Sunday, November 14, 2010

Olivia in New York

This was an exciting week for Olivia - it was her first trip outside of Utah.  On Tuesday morning we packed our suitcases and headed for New York.  Some of the pictures aren't as high quality as usual.  We decided not to carry our camera around - it was already enough to carry all of Olivia's stuff!

Olivia enjoying the amenities of Business Class - her mother's arms!
We had to stop her from asking for a cocktail...
We made it to the hotel and Olivia didn't quite know what to think.
Until she got her pig toy and all was well again.
Cass and Olivia spent the first day at the Met and in a few parks while Bob had some meetings.
It's hard to get a good picture by yourself...
Olivia was enthralled by the bustle of the city, so we took her to Times Square.  She stared at the lights until she became overwhelmed and put herself to sleep.
No baby's life would be complete without a trip to the toy store formerly known as FAO Schwartz.    We didn't ride the ferris wheel, but... 
her new rattle socks made her very happy!
After a long couple of days, Olivia was relieved to have a bath - even if it was in a sink.
We loved showing off Oliva to a friend at breakfast.

After breakfast we decided to walk through the West Village to Chelsea Market
The weather was perfect to enjoy the parks.
We'll skate next time...  Olivia enjoyed watching the zamboni prepare the ice.
Not even designer handbags could keep Olivia from eating.  Babies were a pretty uncommon sight in the shops we visited.
Olivia got very grumpy the night before we left and we had to walk her around town in the Bjorn until she fell asleep.  She was such a good sport for the entire trip.
Speaking of being a good sport, Olivia didn't mind taking the subway everywhere.  She only occasionally stirred when the train got extra noisy.
We spent the morning in Central Park before heading back to the hotel and packing to come home.   Olivia wishes she was old enough to enjoy a street vendor hot dog.
Back in the Salt Lake airport, we were all excited to get home.  Olivia was so happy to return to normalcy that she didn't even fuss when we put her in the carseat.
And no story would be complete without Olivia's opinion.  She is becoming really vocal and wanted to share her thoughts:

She really was an item in New York.  People stopped us on the street, on the subway, in restaurants, and everywhere else we went to say hello and coo at her.  Everyone was kind enough to accommodate us in any way they could which made the trip very pleasant.  We can't wait to take her back when she is old enough to remember the trip.

And of course, no post would be complete without a picture of Olivia next to her dog.  She just keeps growing and demands a full 7 ounces of formula when she wakes up in the morning now.  It's fun to listen to her 'talk' and watch her become better with her little hands.

Until next week...

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