Sunday, April 3, 2011

Olivia Having Fun

Now that her baby brother is home, Olivia is free to enjoy herself.

She loves playing Blastoff with Bob.

She likes sitting on Papa's lap and watching tv and playing with his awesome toy - his glasses case!

She has been busy reading lots of books.  This is a book in Spanish that her Uncle Chet gave to her, he wants her to learn Spanish so they can talk to each other without us knowing what they're saying!

She loves tilting her head to the side to get your attention.  She has recently learned how to 'dismount' from her sitting position to her stomach and then scoot herself backwards.

Once she gets on the hardwood floors, she really gets moving!

We have to keep pulling her out from underneath things when she gets stuck!

Bob bought Olivia a skull and crossbones bike helmet and a bike trailer!  Finally, the weather was nice enough this week for them to take it out and try it!

This trailer is going to get lots of use this summer!

Olivia is into everything!  She loves grabbing at everything she can see.  If she can move it, she'll put it into her mouth.  If she can't move it, she will scratch at it.  Nothing is safe around her, especially not cell phones or computers!

She has also become a total chatterbox.  She babbles to herself while playing, yells at someone to get their attention, and coos herself to sleep.  We love her variety of noises: Bwah-bwah, dadadada, and so on.  She has such a great personality and truly is the life of any party!

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