Monday, October 3, 2011

Olivia Enjoys the End of Summer

Before her birthday, we had a photoshoot with Olivia and a trial birthday cake.  We wanted to get some fun pictures when she wasn't overwhelmed with all the festivities.  (Good thing we did too, because if you remember, she refused to eat any cake!)  Cake photos are courtesy of Nana, who always does a fabulous job!

Distracted by the Decorations

I don't know what that is, but I know it's going to be good.

I haven't even had lunch yet.  Don't tell my mom!

She got so excited about the cake, she stuck her little foot in there and got it all cakey!  No matter, she happily ate foot cake.

We've been trying to take advantage of the Indian Summer going on here.  Olivia loves being outside, and soon enough it will be too cold and/or snowy to spend a lot of time outside so we've been outside a lot.

Kissing Kenya, Nana and Papa's dog.  Olivia loves kissing everyone, especially dogs because they always kiss back!

Enjoying a refreshing beverage on a hot day.

Picnic in the park.

Hiking with Dad on the trail to Mt. Timp.  (We did NOT go all the way to the top!)  Olivia enjoyed this a lot more than it seems in this picture.

Olivia is still not walking!  She can stand unassisted just fine and will even take a few steps as long as no one draws attention to the fact that she is walking.  But if you try to convince her to walk, she'll just fuss at you, sit down, and crawl away.

A classic tale of life at Olivia's house.  She finds the iPad laying around and unlocks it without any help.  She clicks around for a while and then comes up to an adult and hands it over saying "Dabba?"  (Translation:  Will you please stream my favorite show, Yo Gabba Gabba to this device?)

This is her pleading face (and redness from sleeping on her face during her nap). And then, when she is denied her request, this is what happens...

Poor Olivia.  If only she could watch tv, steal all of Henry's toys, and eat gummi bears all day long, THEN she would be happy! 

An adorable Chinese outfit Papa brought her before she was born.  It seemed so big, and now she's running around in it!

A pair of Cousin Logan's favorite "horsey" jammies!

Olivia LOVES the bathtub.  She gets incredibly excited whenever we run the water.  She likes splashing and drinking her bathwater, and she's even started "washing" her own face and hair by dumping cups of water on her head and rubbing a washcloth on her face.

She still loves her puppy dog!

As a final treat, enjoy this video clip of Olivia and Henry playing together a few days ago.  They have started to really have fun with each other, play, and laugh together.  It's disgustingly adorable!

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